Safedem’s experience in this field extends over several decades. Throughout this time Safedem has demoilshed all types of constructions from traditional brick with timber floors, to concrete frame and floor slabs with pre-cast panels. Our understanding of construction types and experience allows us to identify the most appropriate approach for each individual project.
To ensure neighbours and the local community are kept informed and are positively involved in these projects, our Community Liaison Officers work with the local community from the outset.
Our Community Liaison Officers have over 50 years ombined experience employed by local authorities, utility providers and housing associations and have a unique understanding of how demolition projects impact upon people living and working in residential areas. This unique understanding ensures smooth operations within these communities having little or no disruption to every day living and working.
Safedem has tackled all shapes and forms of demolition projects within residential areas including the demolition of high rise and low rise structures using explosive and conventional methods of demolition.
Our outstanding ability to perform in residential areas has led to partnering arrangements with clients in regenerating areas in their entirety.